Our email policy allows us to fight spam, prevent abuse and provide fair and reliable web hosting to all DomainsFoundry customers.
These limits are above industry standard and are designed to comply with email standards and industry best-practice.
Email Limits
The following limits apply to all email accounts hosted on our shared web hosting servers.
- You can send to up to 100 recipients per email.
- Depending on your DomainsFoundry service, you can send up to 500 emails per hour, per domain. The limit also applies to mailing lists and emails sent from your website(s). If you exceed the hourly sending limit, your emails will not be sent and will be bounced-back to you. Limits vary depending on your service:
Web Hosting
Plan Hourly sending limit Starter 100 Business 300 Advanced 500 Email Hosting
Plan Hourly sending limit Personal Email 100 Professional Email 300 - You can send and receive email messages up to 50 megabytes (MB) in size depending on your web hosting plan. If you send a large email to your contacted hosted with another email service, it may be rejected for exceeding their smaller email size limit.
- We do not limit the number of IMAP or POP3 checks you make per hour from a single IP address.
- Your email account may only be used to store email message. It is designed to manage email and should not be used as an ‘online drive’ or ‘dropbox’. If you need to save files online you can use the file manager tool in your control panel.
Mailing List Rules
- Every email list, regardless of size, must be throttled to at least 1 email every 5 seconds. Keeping you below the 1000 outgoing emails per hour limit. If your email app/script does not allow you to throttle the number of emails per second, then you must switch to one that does. PHPlist is a mailing list application that supports throttling out of the box. See How to install PHPlist. It is very important that you limit the rate (throttle) outgoing emails sent from your mailing list application, or script to a maximum of 1 email every 5 seconds. If you do not throttle, your account will send all your emails in a seconds, putting a massive load on the server. You risk crashing your own site and taking the server offline. Of course, we monitor our system around the clock to ensure this never happens. If you attempt to send your mailing list without first throttling the outgoing email to 1000 per hour, your account will be suspended for high-CPU usage.
- Mailing lists greater than 900 addresses must be sent during off-peak. This allows us to balance out the server loads and prevent CPU spikes. Off peak times are all day Saturday and Sunday, and between 12AM – 7AM GMT, Monday through Friday.
- Your list must be a Double Opt-In list. WikiPedia – Opt-in email. I.e. Your users have agreed to receive marketing emails. You gave the person a simple opportunity to refuse or opt out of marketing when collecting their details. E.g. An opt-out box on your sign-up or order form.You are not permitted to mail any mailing list that you have purchased or been given. If you do, we consider this to be sending spam email and may result in the termination of your account.
- You must include an opt-out or unsubscribe option in every email you send.
- We operate a zero-tolerance policy against the sending of spam and unsolicited email. If you attempt to send spam or unsolicited email using a mailing list, we will immediately suspend and terminate your account.
- All mailing lists must comply with The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations.
- The use of standalone SMTP mailers such as Blat! are not allowed. Any outgoing email that passes through our systems must be sent by our local mailserver/MTA. Use of such a program will result in your account being closed.