This article shows you how to quickly and easily publish a iWeb website to DomainsFoundry using the publish to FTP server option in Apple iWeb. You do not need an Apple MobileMe account to publish your iWeb website, as DomainsFoundry fully supports iWeb web hosting.
See [[How to publish your iWeb site without using MobileMe]] for a better way of publishing your iWeb site.
Publishing iWeb using FTP
- Click ‘Site’.
iWeb select site - Select ‘FTP Server’ from the drop down list.
iWeb FTP server - Fill in your FTP details for your web hosting.
iWeb FTP publish settings - A site name. E.g. mywebsite.
- The server address as
- Your FTP password.
- Directory/Path as ‘/public_html/’ – Note that this must be entered to publish your website.
- Protcol as FTP.
- 21 for ‘Port’.
- Click ‘Publish Site’.
iWeb publish site - If this is the first time you have uploaded a site, or you are replacing an existing website then a warning will appear asking you if you want to replace ‘index.html’ – Click ‘Replace’.
iWeb confirm replace - iWeb will begin publishing your website to your DomainsFoundry webspace.
iWeb publish files upload - When it has finished uploading, click ‘Visit Site Now’ to see your new website.
iWeb site has published