Learn how to transfer your domain names from 1&1 IONOS to DomainsFoundry. We include steps for unlocking your domain, updating an IPS Tag (.uk domains) and obtaining an EPP code (Domain Auth Code).

Steps to transfer a UK domain from 1&1 IONOS

  1. Log in to 1&1 IONOS
  2. Select your domain
  3. Click Change IPS tag
  4. In the IPS tag of the new provider field, enter DOMAINSFOUNDRY
  5. Click Save

How to unlock a domain (.com and others)

Follow these steps to unlock your domains before transferring to DomainsFoundry.

  1. Log in to 1&1 IONOS.
  2. Click Domains.
  3. Select the domain you wish to transfer.
  4. Click Advanced Settings. Click Continue.
  5. Click Registration & Transfer
  6. Click the slider to disable the Domain transfer lock.

How to request an EPP/Auth Code (.com and others)

  1. Log in to 1&1 IONOS.
  2. Click Domains.
  3. Select the domain you wish to transfer.
  4. Click Advanced Settings. Click Continue.
  5. Click Registration & Transfer
  6. Click Show authorisation code
  7. Carefully copy down the domain authorisation code. We’ll prompt you for your EPP code when submitting your domain transfer with DomainsFoundry.