
This article describes how-to setup Microsoft Windows Mail to send & receive email using IMAP and your DomainsFoundry email address.

Before you start checklist

Have the following details ready before you start:

  • Your domain name
  • Your email address
  • Your email password

For help on creating your email addresses in your control panel see this article:

Configuring Windows Mail

  1. On the Tools menu, click Accounts.
  2. On the ‘Internet Accounts’ screen click Add.
  3. Select ‘E-Mail Account’‘ then click Next.
  4. Enter your name, then click Next.
  5. Enter your full DomainsFoundry email address then click Next.
  6. Select IMAP from the drop down list. Enter the ‘Incoming mail server‘ as, replacing ‘’ with the domain of your hosting account.
  7. Enter the ‘Outgoing mail server‘ as, replacing ‘’ with the domain of your hosting account.
  8. Select ‘Outgoing server requires authentication‘ and then click Next.
  9. Enter your full DomainsFoundry email address and password then click Next.
  10. Click Finish to return to Windows Mail. Your are now ready to send & receive email.