In this article we describe how to configure FileZilla to connect to your DomainsFoundry hosting service using SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol).

Configure SFTP in FileZilla for macOS

  1. Enable SSH on your service
  2. Open FileZilla
  3. From the main menu, click FileZilla > Settings
  4. Select SFTP
  5. Click Add key file… and open your key file you saved when enabling SSH.
  6. Click Yes to convert the key file to a supported format.
  7. Enter your SSH key passphrase you chose when you created your SSH key. Click OK
  8. Save the converted key to a safe location.
  9. Click OK to close the settings window.
  10. Click the Site Manager icon.
  11. Click New site
  12. Enter the following:
    Protocol: SFTP – SSH File Transfer Protocol
    Port: 2244
    Logon Type: Key file
    User: Your DomainsFoundry cPanel username. This can be found in your DomainsFoundry Dashboard > Products / Services
  13. Click Browse next to Key File. Select your converted key from earlier and click Open.
  14. Click Connect
  15. A warning Unkown host key should appear. Check Always trust this host, add this key to the cache and click OK.
  16. Enter the passphrase for your SSH key. Click OK