You can control the amount of disk quota your DomainsFoundry hosted mailboxes use with the Mailbox Quota tool your cPanel. The quota you set defines the amount of disk space each of your email accounts can use to store email.

How to change a mailbox quota

  1. Log in to cPanel.
  2. Click Email Accounts
    cPanel Email Accounts button
  3. Click Manage next to the mailbox you want to change.
  4. Under Allocated Storage Space enter a new quota or select the maximum quota option to set your mailbox to the maximum quota available with your DomainsFoundry service.
  5. Scroll down and click Update Email Settings to set your new mailbox quota.

Mailbox Quota Limits

Currently the following email quota limits are set per email account:

For Shared servers:

Acconts setup after 1st October 2022

Starter1GB per mailbox
Business1GB per mailbox
Advanced1GB per mailbox

Accounts setup before 1st October 2022

Starter1GB per mailbox
Business2GB per mailbox
Advanced5GB per mailbox


  • Changes to quotas are effective immediately.
  • Your maximum quota depends on your DomainsFoundry service. High-end hosting plans have larger maximum mailbox quotas.
  • Total mailbox quota usage cannot exceed the maximum disk quota of your DomainsFoundry service.
  • Please contact us if you would like options to upgrade your package with extra disk space.