.me.uk Domain Names

Find and register your perfect .ME.UK domain name

Includes Free WHOIS Privacy, DNS, Free Email Aliases like hello@yourdomain.uk, Free Web Forwarding & Free Support.

.me.uk is a generic second-level domain (SLD) intended for personal use. There are no restrictions on registering .me.uk domains meaning anyone can register a .me.uk domain name.

.me.uk domains are commonly registered by people looking for a personal domain name. Typical uses for .me.uk include being used with personalised email addresses, and personalised web addresses. For example hello@example.org.uk and www.example.org.uk

There are no restrictions on who can register .me.uk domain names.

Every .me.uk domain registered or transferred with DomainsFoundry comes with the extra protection of registering with a Nominet Registrar.

.me.uk facts

Domain suffix.me.uk
CountryUnited Kingdom
TypeGeneric second-level domain (SLD) for .uk
Registration requirementsNone
Transfer-in Yes
UsageGeneral use (usually personal).
Minimum registration1 year
Maximum registration10 years
Domain PrivacyN/A
RegistryNominet UK

.me.uk FAQ

Find answers to frequently asked questions about .me.uk domain names.

Who uses .me.uk domains?
.me.uk domains are commonly registered by people looking for a personal domain name.
Are there any restrictions on who can register .me.uk domains?
Can I transfer my .me.uk to DomainsFoundry?
What are the benefits of registering .me.uk domain names?
  • Ideal for hosting your own personalised email address or website.
  • UK-based domain name.
  • Create a professional image.
  • Free domain extras included with every .me.uk domain name.
What is the minimum registration term for .me.uk?
1 year.
What is the maximum registration term for .me.uk?
10 years.
Is WHOIS Privacy Protection available on .me.uk domains?

Start your .me.uk search


If you have questions about registering, transferring, or renewing .me.uk domain names please drop us an email at hello@domainsfoundry.co.uk

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