Register .IN
Register .IN from £14.99, transfer from £14.99
Instant activation, no technical skills required.
Register .in only £14.99 per year. Transfer .in only £14.99 and get one year free. Includes free email account and free domains extras worth £19!
.in is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) domain name for India. Anyone can register and use .in domains.
.in is popular with companies, individuals, and organisations in India as well as international companies with business interests in India.
.in is perfect domain for any business or person trading in India or to Indian nationals.
The high number of freely available .in domains, and open registration policy makes .in ideal for finding short, memorable domain names.
There are no registration restrictions on .in meaning any worldwide business, organisation or individual can register .in domain names.
It's good-practice to register the .co equivalent of your domain name to protect your online brand.
Register .in domain names from just £14.99 per year. All .in domain name registrations and .in domain transfers now include a FREE Personal Email Address and FREE domains extras worth £19!
.in facts
Domain suffix | .in |
Type | Country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for India. |
Country | India |
Registration requirements | None |
Transfer-in | Yes |
Usage | General use. Commercial or non-commercial websites. |
Minimum registration | 1 year |
Maximum registration | 10 years |
Domain Privacy | No |
Registry | INRegistry |
Our price | £14.99 per year |
.in prices
We offer some of the UK's cheapest .in domain names.
Per Year Pricing | Register | Transfer | Renew | |
1 Year | £14.99 | £14.99 | £14.99 | |
2 Years | £14.99 | - | £14.99 | |
3 Years | £14.99 | - | £14.99 | |
4 Years | £14.99 | - | £14.99 | |
5 Years | £14.99 | - | £14.99 | |
6 Years | £14.99 | - | £14.99 | |
7 Years | £14.99 | - | £14.99 | |
8 Years | £14.99 | - | £14.99 | |
9 Years | £14.99 | - | £14.99 | |
10 Years | £14.99 | - | £14.99 |
All domain prices shown in British pounds (£).
.in FAQ
Find answers to frequently asked questions about .in domain names.
- Who uses .in domains?
- General use, however .in is popular with companies, individuals, and organisations in India as well as international companies with business interests in India.
- Are there any restrictions on who can register .in domains?
- No.
- Can I transfer my .in to DomainsFoundry?
- Yes.
- What are the benefits of registering .in domain names?
- Ideal for companies and individuals with business interests in India.
- No registration restrictions.
- Easy to find a short, memorable domain name.
- Free domain extras worth £19/yr included with every .indomain name.
- What is the minimum registration term for .in?
- 1 year.
- What is the maximum registration term for .in?
- 5 years.
- Is WHOIS Privacy Protection available on .in domains?
- Yes.
Start your .in search
If you have questions about registering, transferring, or renewing .in domain names .in domain name please drop us an email at or tweet @domainsfoundry.