Register .FR
Register .FR from £14.99, transfer from £14.99
Instant activation, no technical skills required.
Register .fr only £14.99 per year. Transfer .fr only £14.99 and get one year free. Includes free domains extras worth £19!
.fr is a country code top-level domain (ccTLD) domain name for France.
Registrants of .fr domains must be either an resident of the EU or a company based within the EU.
.fr domain names are very popular in France with over 2.5 million active .fr domain names registered.
.fr domains are one of the world's fastest growing domain registrations.
France is the one of the most populated countries in the European Union (EU) with over 66.43 million residents.
France is the second biggest economy in Europe, and fifth largest in the world. As of 2012 France's GDP stood at $2.6 trillion.
Register .fr domain names from just £14.99 per year. All .fr domain name registrations and .fr domain transfers include FREE domains extras worth £19!
.fr facts
Domain suffix | .fr |
Type | Country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for France. |
Country | France. |
Registration requirements | Resident or company located in the EU. If you're unsure if you qualify for a .fr domain name registration please contact us. |
Transfer-in | Yes |
Usage | General use. Commercial or non-commercial websites. |
Minimum registration | 1 year |
Maximum registration | 1 year |
Domain Privacy | No |
Registry | AFNIC |
Our price | From £14.99 per year |
.fr prices
We offer some of the UK's cheapest .fr domain names.
Per Year Pricing | Register | Transfer | Renew | |
1 Year | £14.99 | £14.99 | £14.99 |
All domain prices shown in British pounds (£).
.fr FAQ
Find answers to frequently asked questions about .fr domain names.
- Who uses .fr domains?
- Popular with French-based businesses and individuals.
- Are there any restrictions on who can register .fr domains?
- The registrant must be an individual or company based within the EU.
- Can I transfer my .fr to DomainsFoundry?
- Yes.
- What are the benefits of registering .fr domain names?
- Registering .fr domains will allow you to market your website to a French audience.
- Market your business to one of Europe's biggest economies.
- Strong identity to French-based businesses and organisations.
- Protect your brand from cyber squatters, competitors or copycats by registering your .fr domain today.
- No usage restrictions.
- Free domain extras worth £19/yr included with every .frdomain name.
- What is the minimum registration term for .fr?
- 1 year.
- What is the maximum registration term for .fr?
- 1 year.
- Is WHOIS Privacy Protection available on .fr domains?
- No.
Start your .fr search
If you have questions about registering, transferring, or renewing .fr domain names .fr domain name please drop us an email at or tweet @domainsfoundry.