Register .BIZ

Register .BIZ from £15.99, transfer from £15.99

Instant activation, no technical skills required.

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Register .biz from only £15.99 per year. Transfer .biz only £15.99 and get one year free. Includes free email account and free domains extras worth £19!

.biz is a top-level domain (TLD) domain name intended for business and is available for anyone to register.

.biz domain names are great alternative to .com domains and are great for instantly showing the world you are a business.

There are no restrictions on who can register .biz domain names, making .biz domains an ideal choice for individuals and businesses.

.biz domain names have world wide recognition, with domain names in Spanish, German and Chinese, so are perfect for businesses selling to a global audience.

A good recommendation is to try and register the .biz version of your domain name even if you are using the or .com for your main website.

Registering your .biz will make it easier for your customers to find your website and is a cost-effective way of protecting your online brand from cyber-squatting.

Domain privacy (also known as WHOIS Privacy) is available with .biz domains. Our private domain registration service stops your personal details being found in the .biz WHOIS database.

Register .biz domain names from just £15.99 per year. All .biz domain name registrations and .biz domain transfers now include a FREE Personal Email Address and FREE domains extras worth £19!

SALE! .biz

only £15.99/yr*

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* based on a 10 year registration

.biz facts

TypeGeneric Top level domain (TLD).
Registration requirementsNone
Transfer-in Yes
UsageGeneral use. Commercial or non-commercial websites.
Minimum registration1 year
Maximum registration10 years
Domain Privacy£4.97/yr
Our priceFrom £15.99 per year

.biz prices

We offer some of the UK's cheapest .biz domain names.

Per Year PricingRegisterTransferRenew
1 Year£15.99
2 Years£15.99
3 Years£15.99
4 Years£15.99
5 Years£15.99
6 Years£15.99
7 Years£15.99
8 Years£15.99
9 Years£15.99
10 Years£15.99

All domain prices shown in British pounds (£).

.biz FAQ

Find answers to frequently asked questions about .biz domain names.

Who uses .biz domains?
General use. Commercial or non-commercial websites.
Are there any restrictions on who can register .biz domains?
Can I transfer my .biz to DomainsFoundry?
What are the benefits of registering .biz domain names?
It's a great domain to instantly show you are a business website. Registering .biz can also compliment your country specific domain name; it can make it easier for your customers to find your website and is a cost-effective way of protecting your online brand from cyber-squatting.
What is the minimum registration term for .biz?
1 year.
What is the maximum registration term for .biz?
10 years.
Is WHOIS Privacy Protection available on .biz domains?

Start your .biz search


If you have questions about registering, transferring, or renewing .biz domain names .biz domain name please drop us an email at or tweet @domainsfoundry.

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